Dogs in the office - how to make work work

Hundebesitzern sitzt mit ihrem Hund auf dem Schoss am Schreibtisch vor ihrem Laptop

The be-all and end-all in the office: give way.

Sure, you've actually taught your dog this from the start and he normally does sit on command. But does it also work at work? Try it out. Because this is particularly important: your dog should stay close to you and not run around the whole office. Especially if there is public traffic - or if other employees bring their dog with them. You should also teach your dog to stay relaxed on its blanket or in its basket. Even when you are away from your workplace. To practise this, do as you did when you were training him to sit. You send him 'to sit' or onto the blanket - go away briefly - and then come back - preferably with tasty dog snacks as a reward. You can repeat this several times and ideally practise it every day.

Speaking of treats: make sure that only you feed the dog and not your colleagues. This has two advantages: Firstly, he will still only take his cue from you and secondly, he won't have a few extra pounds after four weeks that you will have to painstakingly work off again. Of course, colleagues who would like to build up a relationship with the dog can ask your permission and give the dog a treat or work with toys.

Also important: good socialization.

An important point for a pleasant working atmosphere is the social behavior of your four-legged friend: he must be completely friendly towards other people, even if someone makes a jerky movement or it gets louder. He should also be able to handle stressful situations with confidence. Loud or strange noises should not bother him.

Last but not least, your dog should never display territorial behavior in the office. This means that colleagues and customers are not intruders, but welcome guests. But please don't be so keen that he jumps up at people with joy. Especially in business, if you are not wearing dog-friendly clothing, this can often lead to annoyance. If your dog barks when the doorbell rings, you should definitely train him to stop. Ideally, you should find a sponsor for your dog who will look after him when you are in meetings and can't take him with you. Someone your dog likes and will follow unconditionally.

Let your dog work too.

Nothing is more boring than lying around all day and watching your owner work. So make sure you plan enough time to keep your dog occupied. A lunch break together and plenty of exercise in the fresh air are of course a must. But small breaks are also good. You don't always have to go out, you can also keep your dog busy indoors. Just 5 minutes is often enough. Quiet games such as search or sniffing games are ideal. However, you should avoid wild ball throwing and fetching - as should your colleagues, of course. If they want to play more wildly with your dog, they should take him outside onto the grass. This will teach your dog that relaxation is the order of the day in the office.

Chewing bones and toys filled with treats are also good ways to keep your dog occupied. At the same time, the intensive chewing relaxes and calms your dog. However, make sure that the bones don't smell too strong. So don't offer anything with rumen or fish. You can find neutral-smelling chews here.

Dog etiquette - 10 rules for the office.

  • Always keep the basket and dog area clean - especially in bad weather, always clean the dog well before you enter the rooms.
  • Show respect and consideration - especially for colleagues who are afraid of dogs.
  • Avoid too many indoor activities with your dog, go out into the fresh air instead.
  • Running around wildly at work? Not at all. Above all, observe internal rules ("dog etiquette").
  • Avoid hectic, stressful situations or don't let your dog take part in them
  • Do not take a puppy or young dog into the office as they still need too much attention.
  • Basic obedience is a prerequisite - commands should also be accepted by others.
  • Grooming and hygiene are essential - this includes ensuring that your dog does not bring fleas or other parasites into the office.
  • Never let your dog run free, especially in open-plan offices, but keep it on a long lead.
  • All colleagues at the workplace (and of course the boss) should give their approval.

If you keep all this in mind, there's almost nothing standing in the way of the perfect office dog that everyone loves. And please don't forget to always provide your dog with enough water and choose the right place to lie down. This means avoiding direct contact with the heating or too much sunlight. With this in mind, have fun at work 😀