Crispy Sticks
The light, crispy snacking fun.
Crunchy nibble sticks are a favourite for playing and spoiling your rodents. And because they also provide your rodent with important nutrients, they are a perfect snack to supplement the main feed.

Crunchy nibble sticks are a favourite for playing and spoiling your rodents. And because they also provide your rodent with important nutrients, they are a perfect snack to supplement the main feed.
All nibble sticks do not contain any artificial colourants, flavouring substances, or preservatives.
Nibble sticks are a deliciously crunchy species-appropriate snack to spoil your pet.
In order to ensure a natural diet, no sugar is added to the mixtures.
Vitakraft is the No. 1 brand in the “rodent snacks” segment in Germany.
AC Nielsen, LEH+DM+CC+Pet Stores, supplementary rodent feed, Top Brands, Sales in €, MAT Week 18 2023